NCHS: Quarterly Changes in Health Insurance Coverage for Adults, aged 18 to 64, Q1 2021 to Q1 2022

  1. Q1 2021 (January-March): 13.8% uninsured; 22% public health plan; 66.1% private health plan
  2. Q2 2021 (April-June): 14.2% uninsured; 21.3% public health plan; 66.4% private health plan
  3. Q3 2021 (July-September): 13.0% uninsured; 21.1% public health plan; 67.3% private health plan
  4. Q4 2021 (October-December): 13.1% uninsured; 22.2% public health plan; 66.4% private health plan
  5. Q1 2022 (January-March): 11.8% uninsured; 21.5% public health plan; 68.7% private health plan
Notes: From the report, "Health Insurance Coverage: Early Release of Quarterly Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, January 2021–March 2022."

Source: National Center for Health Statistics, July 28, 2022 -